Helping Puno Headline Animator

Sunday, October 3, 2010

First Week in Puno

Rural Expedition

Puno is not what i imagined, it´s way better than that. Waking up everyday with a fully shining sun around 5 AM, clear blue sky...

It´s been about 2 weeks siince i first came here, and i have to tell you that i LOVED it.
There are many things to accomplish in health, besides that the surrounding environment is just impressive!!

Rural community
I heard someting in here about "Kharisiri", that term if referred to an urban leyend, where evil, possessed natives  or foreigners specially "gringos" steal peoples body fat. This was so interesting, actually a collegue of mine doing environmental research at rural communities, had a problem with this kharsiri thing. The community thought that this fellows where kharisiris, they had this huge PM, MIE measurements gadgets, those things had to be for 24-48 hours inside the house. The people from that community believed that the MIE could steal ther fat and blood (vital energy), so they went crazy and vanished the researchers from that place.
It´s so amazing how deep cultural believes can be, dictating social behaviour, oH well, this is so Public Health research going on!!

Next step, getting to know the community within cultural believes in order to avoid this problems again.